How to use SSL converter ?

08/16/2023 12:00 AM by Waqas Wakeel in Blog


In the digital age, ensuring the security of your website's data transmission is of paramount importance. This is where SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificates come into play, encrypting sensitive information exchanged between your website and its visitors. If you're contemplating the transition to HTTPS for enhanced security, you might be wondering how to use an SSL converter effectively. In this comprehensive guide, we'll walk you through the process, from understanding SSL conversion to implementing it seamlessly. Let's dive in!

Understanding SSL Conversion

SSL conversion involves migrating your website from the less secure HTTP protocol to the more secure HTTPS protocol. HTTPS adds an extra layer of security by encrypting the data exchanged between your website and its users, making it significantly harder for malicious actors to intercept and misuse sensitive information.

Steps to Use an SSL Converter

Selecting the Right SSL Certificate: The first step is to choose the appropriate SSL certificate for your website. There are various types available, including Domain Validated (DV), Organization Validated (OV), and Extended Validation (EV) certificates. Choose the one that aligns with your website's needs and level of security.

Generate a Certificate Signing Request (CSR): Once you've selected your SSL certificate, generate a CSR. This is a cryptographic piece of text containing your website's information. The CSR will be used by the Certificate Authority (CA) to create your SSL certificate.

Purchase the SSL Certificate: Purchase the SSL certificate from a trusted Certificate Authority. Ensure that the CA is reputable and recognized by major web browsers.

Certificate Installation: Install the SSL certificate on your web server. The installation process may vary based on the server you're using. Most CAs provide detailed installation guides for different server types.

Update Internal Links and Resources: After installing the SSL certificate, update all internal links and resources on your website to use the "https://" protocol instead of "http://." This step ensures a seamless transition without mixed content issues.

Implement 301 Redirects: Set up 301 redirects from the HTTP version of your website to the HTTPS version. This informs search engines that your website has permanently moved to a new, secure location.

Test for Mixed Content: Run a scan to identify any mixed content issues on your website. Mixed content occurs when secure (HTTPS) and non-secure (HTTP) resources are loaded together, potentially compromising security.

Update Search Console and Analytics: Update your Google Search Console and analytics accounts with the new HTTPS version of your website. This ensures that your data tracking remains accurate.

Update Social Media and Backlinks: Update your social media profiles and any external backlinks to point to the new HTTPS URL.

Benefits of SSL Conversion

The advantages of SSL conversion extend beyond just enhanced security. Search engines prioritize HTTPS websites in their rankings, potentially boosting your website's visibility and traffic. Additionally, visitors are more likely to trust and engage with a secure website, leading to higher conversion rates.


Securing your website's data transmission through SSL conversion is a crucial step in the modern online landscape. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can ensure a seamless transition to HTTPS, bolstering your website's security and user trust. Remember, while the process might seem daunting at first, reputable Certificate Authorities offer comprehensive guides to assist you. Take action today to protect your website and provide a safe browsing experience for your users.


Is SSL conversion necessary for my website?

Yes, SSL conversion is essential for any website that handles sensitive user data, such as login credentials, payment information, or personal details. It ensures data security and builds user trust.

Can I get a free SSL certificate?

Yes, some CAs offer free SSL certificates, like Let's Encrypt. However, paid certificates often provide higher levels of validation and customer support.

Will SSL conversion affect my SEO rankings?

Yes, positively. Google considers HTTPS as a ranking factor, potentially improving your website's search engine rankings.

Do I need technical expertise for SSL conversion?

While the process might seem technical, most CAs provide detailed guides for installation. If you're uncomfortable, consider seeking assistance from your hosting provider.




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