How to convert plain text to binary

08/03/2023 12:00 AM by Waqas Wakeel in Blog

A Comprehensive Guide on Converting Plain Text to Binary

The realm of binary might seem like an alien world, but it's integral to our digital lives. Binary code, a system of instructions that computers understand, is central to all things technology. Today, we will decode the complexity of converting plain text to binary. Let's start our journey and immerse ourselves in this intriguing language of computers.

Understanding Binary: The Language of Computers

Binary code, a two-symbol system represented by 0 and 1, is a core concept in computer science. Binary allows computers to process large amounts of data efficiently, from executing commands to rendering graphics.

Whether it's a simple text file or a sophisticated computer program, everything in the digital world boils down to binary code. Binary code is like the DNA of digital technology, representing all data and instructions.

From Plain Text to Binary: The Role of Character Encoding Standards

Translating plain text to binary isn't as straightforward as replacing each letter with a series of 1s and 0s. It involves an intermediary step—mapping each character to a unique numerical value using a character encoding standard. Two popular encoding systems are ASCII and Unicode.

The Pioneer of Character Encoding

The American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) was a revolutionary development in the early days of computing. ASCII assigns a unique 7-bit binary number to each English alphabet letter, numerals, and special characters.

ASCII has its limitations, though. It can only represent 128 characters—enough for English but insufficient for the vast array of global languages.

A Universal Character Encoding Standard

To address ASCII's limitations, Unicode was developed. It's a flexible system that can represent over a million characters, including those used in various international languages, mathematical symbols, and emoji.

Breaking Down the Conversion Process: Transforming Text to Binary

With our understanding of character encoding, let's dive into the practical process of converting plain text to binary.

Converting Using ASCII Encoding

The steps involved in converting plain text to binary using ASCII are as follows:

  1. Determine the ASCII value of each character in your text.
  2. Convert these ASCII values into binary format.

Let's take the word "Hi" as an example:

  1. In ASCII, 'H' corresponds to 72, and 'i' corresponds to 105.
  2. In binary, 72 is 01001000 and 105 is 01101001.

So, "Hi" translates to 01001000 01101001 in binary.

Converting Using Unicode Encoding

The process is similar for Unicode, but with a wider range of values.

The word "Hola" (Spanish for 'hello'), for instance, converts as follows:

  1. In Unicode, 'H' corresponds to 72, 'o' to 111, 'l' to 108, and 'a' to 97.
  2. In binary, these values become: 'H' - 01001000, 'o' - 01101111, 'l' - 01101100, 'a' - 01100001.

Therefore, "Hola" translates to 01001000 01101111 01101100 01100001 in binary.

Binary Conversion Tools: Simplifying the Transformation

Although learning the manual conversion process is insightful, it's not practical for lengthy text. Various online tools can text to binary do the conversion for you, like RapidTables' Binary Translator and

The Bigger Picture: Binary in Our Digital Lives

Understanding binary conversion is not just a fascinating intellectual exercise. It's a stepping stone to broader computer science concepts like data encryption, error detection and correction, and data compression algorithms.


Embracing the binary world might seem like a daunting task at first. However, once you start exploring, you'll realize that it forms the fabric of our digital reality. The conversion of plain text into binary is just the beginning of an exciting journey through the world of computer science.

So, whether you're a computer science student, a coding enthusiast, or just someone intrigued by the digital world, understanding binary conversion is an enlightening skill that broadens your comprehension of the digital landscape.

By diving into the binary world today, you're taking a step toward understanding the language that computers and all digital technologies fundamentally operate on. Don't wait any longer. Embrace the binary universe and open a new window into the world of computing.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why do computers use binary?

Computers use binary because it's a simple and reliable way to represent data. With just two states (0 and 1), it's less prone to error and easy for electronic devices to interpret.

What is the difference between ASCII and Unicode?

ASCII is a 7-bit character encoding standard that can represent 128 characters. Unicode is a more extensive system that can represent over a million characters, accommodating multiple languages and symbols worldwide.

How can I convert long texts into binary?

For lengthy texts, using an online binary conversion tool is recommended. Examples include RapidTables' Binary Translator and

How is binary used in data encryption?

Binary plays a critical role in data encryption. By transforming plain text into binary code, which is then manipulated using encryption algorithms, the original information is concealed, protecting it from unauthorized access.




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