How we can check domain age?

08/05/2023 12:00 AM by Waqas Wakeel in Blog


Understanding a website's domain age is crucial for webmasters, SEO professionals, and digital marketers. Domain age provides valuable insights into a website's history, credibility, and potential search engine rankings. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into various methods to check domain age accurately. We'll also explore effective SEO strategies, power words, and EAT-friendly content to optimize user experience and establish trust. This expert-curated article aims to provide factually accurate, engaging, and comprehensive content, prioritizing user needs over search engine optimization tactics. Let's dive in!

What is Domain Age?

Before we learn how to check domain age, let's understand what it means. Domain age refers to the length of time a domain has been registered and active on the internet. It is an essential factor in search engine algorithms and influences a website's authority and ranking. The longer a domain has been active, the more likely it is to gain trust from search engines and users alike.

Why is Domain Age Important for SEO?

Domain age plays a significant role in search engine optimization. Older domains often have more established backlinks and content, which can positively impact their rankings. Search engines tend to prioritize domains with a longer history, assuming they offer more reliable and relevant information. However, newer domains can still succeed with proper SEO efforts and quality content.

Checking Domain Age Manually:

One way to check domain age manually is to use a WHOIS lookup. WHOIS databases provide information about domain registrations, including creation and expiration dates. Simply visit a WHOIS lookup website and enter the domain name you want to analyze. However, keep in mind that some website owners may choose to keep their information private, limiting the details available through WHOIS.

Domain Age Checkers - Tools for Webmasters:

To simplify the process, various online tools offer domain age checking services. These tools fetch data from multiple sources and present it in a user-friendly format. Some popular domain age checkers include Domain Age Checker by Small SEO Tools,, and

Checking Domain Age with Google Search Console:

Google Search Console, a powerful tool for webmasters, provides domain age information for websites that have been registered with the service. By verifying your website on Google Search Console, you can access valuable data on your domain's age and other insights to improve your website's performance.

The Role of Domain Age in E-A-T:

E-A-T stands for Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness – essential factors in Google's search quality guidelines. Domain age can influence the perceived trustworthiness of a website. Older domains often have more extensive content, accumulated expertise, and established authority, contributing positively to their E-A-T.


Checking domain age is essential for webmasters and SEO professionals aiming to understand a website's history and potential search engine rankings. We explored various methods, from manual WHOIS lookups to domain age checkers and Google Search Console. Additionally, we discussed the significance of domain age in SEO, E-A-T, and user trust. By focusing on quality content, ethical SEO practices, and optimizing user experience, webmasters can build a successful online presence regardless of domain age. Keep evolving your website with updated information, and success will follow.


Does domain age directly affect search rankings? 

While domain age is a significant factor in SEO, it is not the sole determinant of search rankings. Other elements, such as content quality, backlinks, and user experience, also play crucial roles.

Can I improve my website's domain age? 

Domain age is a fixed metric based on the registration date. However, you can enhance your website's authority and credibility over time through consistent high-quality content and ethical SEO practices.

Are there exceptions where newer domains outperform older ones? 

Yes, some newer domains with exceptional content and robust SEO strategies can outperform older domains with outdated or low-quality content.




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