What's the best free grammar checker on the Internet?

09/23/2023 12:00 AM by Waqas Wakeel in Blog

Let's be honest typos happen. Whether you're sending an important email, drafting a blog post, or even posting a tweet, small grammar mistakes can throw a wrench in your message. But worry not, the Internet has got your back. Free grammar checkers are the unsung heroes of the online world, saving us from awkward typos and confusing sentences. But which one is the best? Let's dive in.

Grammarly: The Crowd's Favorite

If you've searched for a grammar checker before, you've probably heard of Grammarly. It's easy to use and checks your text for a wide array of issues—spelling, grammar, punctuation, you name it. The free version gives you the basics, but it's solid. If you want the extras like style suggestions, there's a premium version too.

Hemingway App: For the Minimalists

Hemingway focuses less on the nitty-gritty of grammar and more on making your writing clear and readable. It highlights complex sentences, passive voice, and other readability issues. If you're looking to streamline your writing, this one's for you.

ProWritingAid: The Detailed Analyst

ProWritingAid is less about quick fixes and more about in-depth analysis. It provides comprehensive reports on your writing style, structure, and even repeats. It's a great tool if you want to dig deep, but might be overkill for simpler tasks.

Google Docs: Don't Underestimate It

Good old Google Docs has built-in spellcheck and some basic grammar suggestions. It's not as robust as other options, but hey, it's right there and you're probably using Docs anyway.

Microsoft Word: The OG

Don't forget about Microsoft Word. The newer versions have a decent grammar checker that's improved a lot over the years. While it's not free (unless your work or school provides it), it's worth mentioning if you've already installed it.

The Verdict

When it comes to free options, Grammarly takes the cake for most users. It's versatile and easy to use, and you can't beat the price tag of zero dollars. However, the best tool for you depends on your needs—whether you're looking for detailed analysis or just a quick once-over before hitting send.

LanguageTool: The Multilingual Marvel

If English isn't your first language or you're working in multiple languages, LanguageTool has got you covered. It supports more than 20 languages and offers grammar, style, and spell-checking. The free version is pretty robust, making it a perfect pick for the multilingual crowd.

Slick Write: For the Aspiring Novelist

Slick Write is geared towards people who are serious about writing. Whether you're drafting an essay or a novel, this tool offers an array of statistical analyses of your text. It's a bit more complicated to use, but if you're after deep insights into your writing, this one's a gem.

OnlineCorrection.com: Quick and Dirty

Sometimes you don't need all the bells and whistles; you just want something fast and free. OnlineCorrection.com is as simple as it gets. Paste your text, get it checked, and do it. It's not as thorough as the others, but it's lightning-fast and doesn't require a sign-up.

WhiteSmoke: The All-Around Athlete

White Smoke is another solid choice. It offers grammar, style, and spell checks, along with a translator and plagiarism detector. The downside? The best features are locked behind a paywall, but the free version still offers solid basic checks.

Ginger: The User-Friendly Option

Ginger Software is all about improving your writing in a way that's easy and approachable. The interface is user-friendly, and it offers grammar, spell checks, and even a sentence rephraser. Like others, the free version gives you basic checks, but it's still a good tool for quick revisions.

And the Winner Is...

Honestly, there's no one-size-fits-all answer. If you're looking for a comprehensive, all-around tool, Grammarly is a safe bet. For more specific needs like multilingual support or in-depth analysis, LanguageTool and ProWritingAid are top contenders.

Remember, the best grammar checker is the one that fits your needs. Whether you're a student, a professional, or just someone who wants to send typo-free texts, there's a tool out there for you.


In the ever-evolving landscape of digital communication, presenting your thoughts clearly and accurately is crucial. Each grammar checker tool has its own set of features, strengths, and weaknesses, but there's something for everyone. For a balanced mix of thoroughness and ease of use, Grammarly stands out. However, depending on what you're looking for—be it multilingual support, in-depth analysis, or just a quick grammar check—there's definitely a tool tailored to your needs.


Are these grammar checkers really free?

Yes, each of the mentioned options has a free version. Some offer premium features for a fee, but you can still get decent grammar checks without spending a dime.

Do I need to download software?

Some options like Grammarly and Ginger offer browser extensions, so you don't necessarily need to download software. Others like Microsoft Word will require installation.

Is my data safe?

Most reputable grammar checkers have strong privacy policies, but it's always a good idea to read through the terms of service just to be sure.

Can these tools replace a human editor?

While these tools are incredibly helpful, they're not foolproof. For important documents or professional work, it's always good to have a second pair of human eyes look it over.

Do these tools work on mobile devices?

Most of these tools offer mobile-friendly websites or apps, making it easier for you to check your grammar on the go.




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